Thursday, September 9, 2010

Did you miss me

I offer no excuses.  I just can't be bothered to do anything these days.  But, I have made a positive change recently.  I did something called a parasite cleanse for a whole week.  Apparantly we all have hundreds of little parasites in our bodies. Sounds disgusting I know, but it was in the form of a capsule with my breakfast, so nothing too grose.    Well... I can hardly carry my own weight around, I am not about to back pack these foreign entities.  Happily, I did have an increase in my energy level.  It doesn't matter if it was real or in my mind, it worked.  So, I decided to also rejoin WW for about the 57th time.  One week under my belt and I am down 4.5 lbs.   Wahoo.
I promised my friends that if I ever get thin, I am going to go with a slutty look, so they are all very supportive, hoping to see this transformation.
Keep your fingers crossed for me. Let's hope I can stay on track for another week.

1 comment:

  1. Great blog! I love that you are putting your Christmas reminders on the blog, what a great idea. I am one of the many who are looking forward to seeing your new slutty look.

    PS I found your 4.5 pounds :(
