I know I said I would blog daily and send pictures but it just wouldn't work. First of all...on the ship it was $20 per day per device for Internet. Then when I got free wifi....my iPad didn't like my location and said "go away"....
Finally I am good to go.
So let me catch you up....our flight to Calgary was lovely. Bob took advantage of the free beer....after all, it was Friday night. Calgary to Vancouver was the flight from hell. We chose premium seats for the extra leg room and it is as close to first class as we get. Well, this time, the woman behind us brought her dog.....her little yippee dog who barked, whined, and howled the entire flight.....1 hour and 39 min.. The flight attendant had to remind her repeatedly to put it back into its cage. The dog owner informed us not to worry, the dog really was okay, he flew with her all the time. I felt so much better knowing that....before we left the Vancouver airport I had written to Westjet....about creating a No Pets No fly list. Bob as you may or may not know is allergic to dogs & cats. We were on the plane about 10 min when he started to fill up and his eyes started itching & watering. By the time we landed his eyes looked like he had not slept for a week, they were so red & puffy. It took until Sunday before the swelling went down. Grabbed a cab from the airport and that was when we discovered that we had the name off the hotel but no address. Turns out it was np for our cabby...he just called dispatch and called back with an address. One hour later, we were in our room and Bob was fast asleep.
Next morning, we got up and had a relaxing breakfast before heading out for a walk, down to the water. We sat for about an hour, then headed up the steep to our hotel. I know you are all thinking I am trying to kill Bob, but seriously, walking at his pace is harder on me then him....lol
Around noon we got a cab and headed to our ship. We thought we would get there early and beat the crowds. Well I think all the passengers had the same idea...we were gathered like cattle and led down roped aisles....back & forth until we reached an auditorium with chairs. We finally got our picture taken were headed down the ramp to board the beautiful cruise ship. First thing we did was find a bar with comfy chairs and we ordered drinks. After a couple hours , we went to our cabin, which was upgraded to a mini suite.....it was beautiful ....a lovely balcony with a great view....and a railing too high for Bob to push me overboard. Pictures below show Bob opening his envelope from Jake & Gloria (thank you very much)....view from our stateroom......inside ship....water front Vancouver.....me amongst a beautiful sculpture of laughter in Vancouver
Tuesday, June 18, 2019
Friday, June 7, 2019
And away we go....
Look at that ...all packed and still have a half hour before Claude, our driver, comes to pick us up.. And for the record...I was ready first.
Hey Jim.... check out the back pack.....free advertising all month. Although, I think it weighs more than my suitcase.
The garbage is gone......dishwasher emptied....wonderful neighbours all prepped for yard & pool maintenance....and plant watering & mail collection. Our biggest challenge...or rather my biggest challenge was trying to print my boarding pass from home. First the printer was out of ink....so I put in new cartridge.....still no ink. After 45 min of pure frustration, I pulled out the new cartridge and realized that I had not removed the safety tab. I wish I could say that is the first time that has happened.....Now I was ready to print ....well, not realizing it, I had selected to send electronic version to my phone. I have no idea how that will work but I am sure they deal with seniors every day, who dont quite understand electronics....hey, at least I have a cell phone....with data...saying that...here I sit at the airport and I am embarrassed to say, I left my phone at home. A whole month without it. I hope this is not a sign of things to come, but rather the worst thing we encounter. Please let the travel Gods be with us the rest of the way........

Sunday, June 2, 2019
Before we begin.....
I started this blog years ago and after time, forgot about it. While trying to create a new blog I found this one, so decided to revive it.
I finally figured out a way to keep in touch while we travel, without notifying the world by social media, that our house is empty......lol
Blogging is the way to go, especially since I love to write stories. I will keep in touch along the way and post my pictures. Hopefully you will feel like you are right there with us.....
FYI....still not packed.....
I finally figured out a way to keep in touch while we travel, without notifying the world by social media, that our house is empty......lol
Blogging is the way to go, especially since I love to write stories. I will keep in touch along the way and post my pictures. Hopefully you will feel like you are right there with us.....
FYI....still not packed.....
Tuesday, May 28, 2013
So much to tell you
Before I begin... I would be remise if I did not let you know.... only 210 days until Christmas 2013.
Well.. it is almost 6am. I will be leaving for Kitchener in about 45 minutes. Today is my dreaded surgery.
Yesterday, I had to go to the hospital for my "pre-op". There really wasn't much of a pre-op.. not that I am overly experienced with this sort of thing. I have to have a "sentinel lymph node biopsy" today, so yesterday I had to report to "Nuclear Medicine Dept" to have these injections of radioactive dye put into my arm, around the original biopsy. I am guessing that I will now glow in the dark.
The theory behind this dye, is that it will follow the same path that any cancer might take.The purpose of this dye is to show the surgeon which lymph nodes to remove and he did inform me that they will glow, when he cuts me open. These nodes will be biopsied to ensure that the cancer is isolated. I am a glass half full kind of girl, so I am very confident that all will be well, although, I am feeling like a character in a Simpson's episode.
I am a little concerned about where the big black magic marker "X" is on my boob.
If that is where they are going to cut, I won't be able to dress slutty and show my cleavage, when I get to my goal weight, and there are so many friends out there, waiting for that day....
But I must tell you about these shots.... first of all, I thought that there was only one shot and it would be administered on surgery day, under the influence of a heavy sedative. Well... there were 5 shots done without anything but a kind word and a warning from a very nice nurse. She informed me that there would be a slight bite with each one, but not to worry as there was a freezing in the shot, so it would not last long. What she failed to mention was that the bite was from a friggin rottwieller.
The first one "bit" in and it continues for a few seconds while she empty's the vile.
I am hanging onto the bed rails. Then she informs me she is going in with number 2. This one is going into a more fleshy part of my arm. I almost ripped out the bed rails this time. But I am a brave buckeroo and I did not cry or swear at this woman, not even under my breath. Now I am shaking, waiting for number 3.... the warning comes and in it goes... not quite as bad as number 2 but worse than number 1.... I have to tell you, I was concentrating so hard on not swearing, I did not notice 4 & 5..... well almost... and that is what I kept telling myself.....
Finally it was over and I had to go sit in the waiting room for an hour, to let the dye travel it's course. Then I was put on a "camera" bed. I laid down and this huge flat white table edges it way up my body until it is about 1 inch from my face. I was a little anxious that it was going to be over my face and almost touching my nose, but she moved it back abit to my relief. My hands were spread out to my sides and a strap was put over my wrists. I am not much into bondage, so I found it all a little frightening. Ten minutes I laid like that while some kind of pictures were being taken. After that, the camera shelf moves to the sides and I have to lay like that for 5 more minutes.
When it was all over, I could not get out of there fast enough..... now I am waiting for my ride, to head back over there for more pillaging of my body.... my only comfort is that there will be drugs..... lots and lots of drugs......
I will keep you all posted...maybe not today or even tomorrow, but this week for sure.....
Well.. it is almost 6am. I will be leaving for Kitchener in about 45 minutes. Today is my dreaded surgery.
Yesterday, I had to go to the hospital for my "pre-op". There really wasn't much of a pre-op.. not that I am overly experienced with this sort of thing. I have to have a "sentinel lymph node biopsy" today, so yesterday I had to report to "Nuclear Medicine Dept" to have these injections of radioactive dye put into my arm, around the original biopsy. I am guessing that I will now glow in the dark.
The theory behind this dye, is that it will follow the same path that any cancer might take.The purpose of this dye is to show the surgeon which lymph nodes to remove and he did inform me that they will glow, when he cuts me open. These nodes will be biopsied to ensure that the cancer is isolated. I am a glass half full kind of girl, so I am very confident that all will be well, although, I am feeling like a character in a Simpson's episode.
I am a little concerned about where the big black magic marker "X" is on my boob.
If that is where they are going to cut, I won't be able to dress slutty and show my cleavage, when I get to my goal weight, and there are so many friends out there, waiting for that day....
But I must tell you about these shots.... first of all, I thought that there was only one shot and it would be administered on surgery day, under the influence of a heavy sedative. Well... there were 5 shots done without anything but a kind word and a warning from a very nice nurse. She informed me that there would be a slight bite with each one, but not to worry as there was a freezing in the shot, so it would not last long. What she failed to mention was that the bite was from a friggin rottwieller.
The first one "bit" in and it continues for a few seconds while she empty's the vile.
I am hanging onto the bed rails. Then she informs me she is going in with number 2. This one is going into a more fleshy part of my arm. I almost ripped out the bed rails this time. But I am a brave buckeroo and I did not cry or swear at this woman, not even under my breath. Now I am shaking, waiting for number 3.... the warning comes and in it goes... not quite as bad as number 2 but worse than number 1.... I have to tell you, I was concentrating so hard on not swearing, I did not notice 4 & 5..... well almost... and that is what I kept telling myself.....
Finally it was over and I had to go sit in the waiting room for an hour, to let the dye travel it's course. Then I was put on a "camera" bed. I laid down and this huge flat white table edges it way up my body until it is about 1 inch from my face. I was a little anxious that it was going to be over my face and almost touching my nose, but she moved it back abit to my relief. My hands were spread out to my sides and a strap was put over my wrists. I am not much into bondage, so I found it all a little frightening. Ten minutes I laid like that while some kind of pictures were being taken. After that, the camera shelf moves to the sides and I have to lay like that for 5 more minutes.
When it was all over, I could not get out of there fast enough..... now I am waiting for my ride, to head back over there for more pillaging of my body.... my only comfort is that there will be drugs..... lots and lots of drugs......
I will keep you all posted...maybe not today or even tomorrow, but this week for sure.....
Thursday, August 9, 2012
137 days left... and a day at the movies
Wow... it is mid year, mid summer, mid vacation. Every night I sit in front of the TV, knitting, trying desparately to get these snuggle blankets done by Thanksgiving... at the very latest. I am not as fast as I thought I would be... but I am persistent.
Anyway, I am enjoying my summer, especially now that I just realized it is about 1/2 over.
I still have 3 days left of my summer holidays, 3 days to try to get something done... from the list I made a week ago, before I started my vacation.
Today was a wonderful rainy day. Bob & I picked up our 5 year old grandson and his very bestest friend, and headed off to the movies... Ice Age to be exact. First of all the conversation in the car left Bob almost unable to drive. Our little friend started almost every sentence with "when my dad was living...." and as far as we know, he is alive and well. Then the two boys discussed that they are probably twins. I tried to explain that twins would be brothers and since both of them are brothers with other syblings, that almost confirms it for them... they are twins. Then the fart, poop, and bum jokes started. Keep in mind that these boys are 5. Once we get to the theatre and are seated, with our popcorn, there is lots of talk about whether they have already seen this movie before, will it be too scarey for them because they are only five, what if they have to go pee when the theatre gets dark.... the questions, fears and solutions continue until the theatre darkens.
Have you ever watched a movie in a theatre filled with small children. The chatter never stops.... the laughter and giggles are so honest and contagious.... and comments on almost every scene are heard throughout the theatre. We were lucky that our boys did not have to pee until the movie was over... other parents and grandparents were not so lucky. One dad in front of us, had to leave 3 times for a bathroom break... and everyone in the theatre knew where they were going....
That is the other joy of small children... they do not understand whispering or even "inside" voices.
In the movie, there is a joke, and the word "booger" is used. We heard that joke at least 10 times during supper, and then the giggles would last for 2 or 3 minutes. No one in the restaurant seemed to mind... the giggles were contagious for everyone around us.
Finally the ride home. We tried to play "I Spy". The boys did not quite get the concept. They would "spy" things in their own bedrooms, or something they had seen another day. Then we tried to play "car bingo".. you know, the first person to find items on a list, wins.. just like bingo. That got boring when someone had more items than the other. That was when "are we home yet?" started. I quickly ran out of treats to distract them, and Bob's knuckles were getting pretty white on the stearing wheel, when the "are we home yet?", started again...
Tomorrow, I think we will head out on our own, I will try to stay quiet, so that Bob's last day of vacation is more relaxing.........
Anyway, I am enjoying my summer, especially now that I just realized it is about 1/2 over.
I still have 3 days left of my summer holidays, 3 days to try to get something done... from the list I made a week ago, before I started my vacation.
Today was a wonderful rainy day. Bob & I picked up our 5 year old grandson and his very bestest friend, and headed off to the movies... Ice Age to be exact. First of all the conversation in the car left Bob almost unable to drive. Our little friend started almost every sentence with "when my dad was living...." and as far as we know, he is alive and well. Then the two boys discussed that they are probably twins. I tried to explain that twins would be brothers and since both of them are brothers with other syblings, that almost confirms it for them... they are twins. Then the fart, poop, and bum jokes started. Keep in mind that these boys are 5. Once we get to the theatre and are seated, with our popcorn, there is lots of talk about whether they have already seen this movie before, will it be too scarey for them because they are only five, what if they have to go pee when the theatre gets dark.... the questions, fears and solutions continue until the theatre darkens.
Have you ever watched a movie in a theatre filled with small children. The chatter never stops.... the laughter and giggles are so honest and contagious.... and comments on almost every scene are heard throughout the theatre. We were lucky that our boys did not have to pee until the movie was over... other parents and grandparents were not so lucky. One dad in front of us, had to leave 3 times for a bathroom break... and everyone in the theatre knew where they were going....
That is the other joy of small children... they do not understand whispering or even "inside" voices.
In the movie, there is a joke, and the word "booger" is used. We heard that joke at least 10 times during supper, and then the giggles would last for 2 or 3 minutes. No one in the restaurant seemed to mind... the giggles were contagious for everyone around us.
Finally the ride home. We tried to play "I Spy". The boys did not quite get the concept. They would "spy" things in their own bedrooms, or something they had seen another day. Then we tried to play "car bingo".. you know, the first person to find items on a list, wins.. just like bingo. That got boring when someone had more items than the other. That was when "are we home yet?" started. I quickly ran out of treats to distract them, and Bob's knuckles were getting pretty white on the stearing wheel, when the "are we home yet?", started again...
Tomorrow, I think we will head out on our own, I will try to stay quiet, so that Bob's last day of vacation is more relaxing.........
Friday, July 27, 2012
oh ye of little faith
I know that several of you out there do not think I will get all my "homemade" Christmas gifts done in time, but I will have you know that I have one snuggle blanket about 1/2 finished. That leaves only 1 1/2 blankets, about 10 pair of slippers, unknown numbers of cookies, tarts and breads, mittens and hats to do. No worries. There are still 150 days until Christmas.... that's lots of time.
I have about a dozen of those knitted dish clothes done if any body wants one.
I have been spending so much time with my grandsons these days. It is hard to believe that they are already 1 and 5. Caleb turned 5 a couple weeks ago and now believes that there is nothing he can't do because he is five.
Right now I am trying to prepare myself for another session with a contractor in my house. We finally decided to go ahead and get the main floor bathroom done. All I ask is that they show up everyday until they are done... seriously... is that too much to ask for. I can imagine what my boss would say if I just didn't show up because I had other stuff to do.
Well.. I had better not start thinking that way before the poor fellow starts to work. As you know, if things don't go well, I will be venting or rather posting to the blog, every day.
I have about a dozen of those knitted dish clothes done if any body wants one.
I have been spending so much time with my grandsons these days. It is hard to believe that they are already 1 and 5. Caleb turned 5 a couple weeks ago and now believes that there is nothing he can't do because he is five.
Right now I am trying to prepare myself for another session with a contractor in my house. We finally decided to go ahead and get the main floor bathroom done. All I ask is that they show up everyday until they are done... seriously... is that too much to ask for. I can imagine what my boss would say if I just didn't show up because I had other stuff to do.
Well.. I had better not start thinking that way before the poor fellow starts to work. As you know, if things don't go well, I will be venting or rather posting to the blog, every day.
Sunday, May 27, 2012
Summer at last... and only 7 months to Christmas
I had an amazing day today. Slept until 9, had breakfast with my youngest son & his wife, then I worked my butt off in my flower beds. And, as if I don't have enough flowers to water, cut back and lord knows what else needs to be done to them... I went to visit a friend and brought home a black eyed susan big enough for 6 gardens.
But on arriving at home, my grandsons were here waiting to go swimming. The best part about this hot weather is that my grandsons are over to swim almost everyday. Today they didn't come alone, they brought 2 of their little friends. Let me tell you... 4 kids all under 5, 4 adults and me in the pool, does not make for a relaxing time in the water... Between the exciting squeals, the "watch me, watch me" yelling, and all the splashing, well let's just say it was like going back in time to the Fergus public pool. Now it is after midnight and I am thinking I should probably go for quiet swim before going to bed... just to experience the quiet again....
It is now less than 7 months until Christmas and I have been thinking alot about what to get everyone. I have made a decision... way too much money is spent, so I decided to make my gifts very very personal this year. There are 2 little boys that I like to buy for and this year I am making them both cuddle blankets that will be just for them. Others will get wonderful, well in my opinion, they will be wonderful.... baskets filled with homemade "stuff"... maybe jams, maybe breads, maybe cookies, maybe slippers.... this all means that I have to start now... Adam, my first born, is already making fun of me, saying I will never get it all ready in time. Little does he know, that I get 6 weeks vacation now and every second Friday off... I may not sleep much for the next 6 months, but I will "git er done".
But on arriving at home, my grandsons were here waiting to go swimming. The best part about this hot weather is that my grandsons are over to swim almost everyday. Today they didn't come alone, they brought 2 of their little friends. Let me tell you... 4 kids all under 5, 4 adults and me in the pool, does not make for a relaxing time in the water... Between the exciting squeals, the "watch me, watch me" yelling, and all the splashing, well let's just say it was like going back in time to the Fergus public pool. Now it is after midnight and I am thinking I should probably go for quiet swim before going to bed... just to experience the quiet again....
It is now less than 7 months until Christmas and I have been thinking alot about what to get everyone. I have made a decision... way too much money is spent, so I decided to make my gifts very very personal this year. There are 2 little boys that I like to buy for and this year I am making them both cuddle blankets that will be just for them. Others will get wonderful, well in my opinion, they will be wonderful.... baskets filled with homemade "stuff"... maybe jams, maybe breads, maybe cookies, maybe slippers.... this all means that I have to start now... Adam, my first born, is already making fun of me, saying I will never get it all ready in time. Little does he know, that I get 6 weeks vacation now and every second Friday off... I may not sleep much for the next 6 months, but I will "git er done".
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