Friday, April 29, 2011


Here I sit at the car dealership, waiting for an oil change. That has been my whole day… waiting…..

First I lay awake, staring at my alarm clock, 5 minutes before it was to go off. I didn’t want to get up because I still had 5 more minutes. Then I waited at every stop light on my way to work, because I hit them all red. Then I waited in my car, in the parking lot, before going into the office because it was pouring rain.

Response time on my computer was slow today and I sat and waited what seemed an eternity everytime I hit enter. Of course, that means that I spent a great part of my day waiting for the end of the work day.

I promised my kids I would stop at Costco on my way home to pick up a few things for them. Costco isn’t exactly on my way home.

Today I decided it would be a lot quicker if I took a different route. I should have listened to the radio, because for some reason the 401 had some lane closures and several feeder lanes were closed. It took 30 minutes to get from one intersection to the next… a normal 5 minute trip. It took a total of 45 minutes to get to my destination. Surprisingly, I found a parking spot almost instantly and I was very excited. It didn’t last too long… I couldn’t find a shopping cart. I had to wait until a young man went about the parking lot, collecting them.

I got hungry wandering around the store and there were lots of sample ladies so I decided to try out a few… guess what….. I had to wait while they got their samples ready.

An hour and a half later, I was back in the parking lot, loading up my trunk, and heading home.

Well.. not home, first the oil change, then I will have to stop at the young one’s place to drop off his groceries, then I have to stop and pick up something for supper, and then to the boy’s place to drop off his groceries. I am pretty sure I will be waiting once again, at each stop.

But then…. haven’t you all been waiting for me to write this new article for my blog……………

Tuesday, April 26, 2011

less than 8 months to go

I didn't forget to remind you on Monday that there are only 8 months left until Christmas 2011.  I just didn't go online all day.  So now I am reminding you that there are only 8 months left until Boxing Day 2011.  
With all this beautiful Spring weather, I know it is hard to think about Christmas.  But let me just point out to all of you, it is already, only 8 months to go.  Where did those first 4 months go??
For me, they are just dragging by.  Once again I whine about the mess and disarray of renovations.  I have been in my house for over 30 years and the only "reno" we have ever done was to move furniture around a room while we either wall paper or paint or put in a new light fixture.  I change my bedspread regularly too, but I now know that this does not count as renovations.
Bob thinks the renovations are wonderful.... there is not a Christmas item or Santa anywhere to be found in our house right now. 
My withdrawal is usually tendered with being able to be in the backyard or better yet, the pool, but it is way too early for that too.  I can't work my way thru my depression by baking because I don't have a stove... or anything that resembles a kitchen.  I tried baking Easter cookies on the barbque, but that was abit of a disaster. 
.  Needless to say, Easter didn't perk me up much either. Oh, I had a wonderful weekend eating and being around my family.  I guess that would pass for celebrating Easter, but I only like the Easter Bunny for his chocolate and I don't bother to decorate for his arrival... so not much preparation done there.
Is it any wonder that I just sit and whine, and just generally make Bob's life miserable.......Good job this is a once in a lifetime adventure........

Friday, April 22, 2011

What have I done?????

I am sitting in the upstairs of my house, in the spare room, watching TV. Sitting in a very uncomfortable chair, laptop on a TV table, totally surrounded by boxes and Rubbermaid containers. I feel like I am licking dust off my lips. Our main floor was almost completely demolished due to a renovation that I really believed would only take 3 weeks. The contractor promised full dedication to my job and begged to start a week earlier than I was ready for, so that it would in fact, only take 3 weeks. Tricked again…….. Total dedication lasted one week…. the destruction week. Never have I seen so much dust. It never seemed to settle. Now… six weeks later, I am becoming very concerned… the new kitchen cupboards and appliances are due in 3 more weeks and I can’t have my grandson over due to the holes in the floor, the boards with nails in them and the general mess of construction..

Last night I had a minor meltdown, with Bob being the sounding board. Every time he tried to say even “ok”, I went off again.

I have to say that it wasn’t as bad as the time he put the knives, forks, and spoons into the wrong slots in the drawer, when he emptied the dishwasher, helping out as he often does. I started off trying to be comical about how he has lived in this house for 30 years and they have always gone into the same drawer, you would think he could get it right. Well, somewhere along the line, I totally lost control of myself and went on a five minute rant. I told him it wasn’t helpful if I had to go back and put everything back to where it belongs. Suddenly I saw that “deer in the headlights” glaze, and I stopped and returned to the kitchen. A few minutes later, I sheepishly re-entered the living room to apologize but once the “I’m sorry” left my lips, I added “but for God’s sake, they have gone in that same drawer for 30 years” Bam…. right back at him….

And the reason I love that man….. he never said a word. Not then or ever, about that. I was the one who felt obligated to tell our friends, when we could laugh about it.

Tomorrow ……. the contractor. We will talk.