Monday, September 13, 2010

Old Timers already

This past Friday, I packed up my "stuff" at the end of the day, to head home.  I reached into my pocket for my car keys, only to find that they weren't there.  I checked my purse, checked my back pack, and re-checked my pockets.  Nothing.  Now I dumped out my purse, dumped out my back pack, and re-checked my pockets.  Nothing. Alright... now I am in a bit of a panic.  I retraced my morning steps, checked both bathrooms that I went into during the day.  I checked in with security..... Nothing.  Now I need a plan of action.....  I decided to head back to the office to call Adam.  He can go over to the house and bring me my spare set of keys.  That is when I run in to Kim Mc.... I must have had a look of great stress on my face because she asked me if I was okay.  When I explained the situation, she offered to drive me home.  That worked for me.  Bob had to come back into Guelph later that night anyway, so I could just hook up a ride with him.  Once I got home, I dropped all my "stuff" and thought I should go out to the garden and see if there were any new tomatoes.  It was getting cool, so I grabbed for my jacket.  It wasn't there.   
my jacket was at work, with my car keys in the pocket.  I suddenly remembered that it was quite cool at 6:30am, when I left for work, so I grabbed my jacket.  Of course when I got out of the car, I put the keys in my pocket.  Mystery solved, feeling pretty stupid.   I had to tell Bob I lost my keys, because I needed him to drive me into Guelph, but, I wasn't going to tell him about my jacket. However, when he picked me up to go to Guelph , he said I should go back in and get my jacket as it was cold out.... I had to fess up.  By the way, I found my keys this morning, in the jacket pocket......

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